Est. in September 2010

This blog was started over one year ago. However, the record goes back even further. Tracing Dolores Lucero through our County has been part of this process and has been going on for at least two years. Starting with the Public Records on file with Whitmore School District, her path of destruction is wide and broad. Her challenges to authority, facts, and reason are well documented. One thing I have found during my research is that witnesses to her antics as well as victims of her antics CONTINUE to be afraid of her retaliation against them. I find the similar concerns expressed within this very community now. I urge you to see for yourself, watch a council meeting LIVE. Read through the mountain of records for yourself. Get educated. Get involved. This City is worth the effort.

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(530) 275-6167

Monday, September 20, 2010

Agenda item 7.4 Mtg September 21, 2010

Council member Lucero has requested a review of our city attorney! This is what happens when you dare to question her or appear to doubt her.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


"Question...if a council member of a California general law city is mentioned in a possible/pending litigation against the city should not that aforementioned council person recuse herself from voting on that closed session agenda item?
The reason I ask this question is that such a situation occurred in the City of Shasta Lake at their Tuesday, September 7, 2010 meeting. The council went into closed session to discuss the possible litigation. The results of the closed session were reported out by Mayor Greg Watkins. To wit, 5-0 against the city taking any action. The 5-0 vote indicates that council member Lucero did not recuse herself.
As you can see I am also sending this inquiry to the California Fair Political Practices Commission"

*copy of exact text I received, this letter was sent to the FPPC, R/S Editor,, mgmt and atty for city of shasta lake

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where was the meeting?

Is anyone wondering why the last city council meeting was NOT televised? My sources tell me there was a 'misunderstanding'...
My opinion, Ms. Lucero didn't want to be on video under the bright lights of reality tv, either going into the closed session or coming out of it.
Was there yet another misuse/abuse of position or power?
We are talking about the people's business, and the conduction of that business in public, and on a very interesting night the public was not privy to that meeting.
Under normal circumstance's this would not warrant much of a question. However, the antics of this council member are unrivaled in audacity, thereby begging the question.

Power of Influence?

Follow this link and you will find a recent letter to the editor written by D. Lucero, tho I would disagree that the council woman actually did write the letter. The reason for it being posted here is an example of what I believe to be an unethical use of position and power. The position of city council member is one that is non-partisan.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are you ready for the NEWS?

My sources tell me that at last night's city council meeting the council will do as expected and deny Mr. Holloway's suit. No surprise here. It's policy. What's next? The ball will be in Mr. Holloway's court. Should someone set up a legal defense fund for this employee who was slandered? I know one thing for sure: When it comes to my tax dollars going to protect a council member who is abusing the power given her by the very people she is hurting, I DRAW THE LINE! I can't support that...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

To open the discussion

This blog is created with the idea that discussion and the transference of information is vital to make informed choices. I want you to read, research, ask questions, keep an open mind, bask in the choices you are presented with, make thoughtful well informed decisions that are easy to live with! Then talk! Leave a comment, question, or idea.
This is more of a question than a plan at this point. I have been watching and viewing the Shasta Lake City Council for quite some time now. By that I mean the past seven/eight years I've gotten involved in various ways within our fair city. I've gotten to know it's people and it's troubles. I've fallen in love with this area and this community. My children, and my future are here. This being said the issues facing this city now and tomorrow are very much my concern.
From the moment of the last election I've been watching, reading, listening and wondering... Am I the only one to ask this question? I thought maybe it was too soon. Someplace else was in the midst of a recall. Do we need or want this kind of scrutiny?
So, I come to you, the voters. The thinkers. The ones effected. Tell me what you think. I believe we need to know! Four years of bad leadership can destroy a delicate balance of self-determination and turn into oppression.
I hope this blog gets you thinking. I expect this to be a respectful, decent conversation. Thank you for stopping by!

Article about D. Lucero