Est. in September 2010

This blog was started over one year ago. However, the record goes back even further. Tracing Dolores Lucero through our County has been part of this process and has been going on for at least two years. Starting with the Public Records on file with Whitmore School District, her path of destruction is wide and broad. Her challenges to authority, facts, and reason are well documented. One thing I have found during my research is that witnesses to her antics as well as victims of her antics CONTINUE to be afraid of her retaliation against them. I find the similar concerns expressed within this very community now. I urge you to see for yourself, watch a council meeting LIVE. Read through the mountain of records for yourself. Get educated. Get involved. This City is worth the effort.

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(530) 275-6167

Thursday, July 21, 2011

1,233 is the magic number

Yes, 1,233 is a very important number to the cause.  The cause I write about is the effort afoot to recall Dolores Lucero.  Based on the California Election Code the amount of signatures required to meet the threshold to recall an elected official is 25% of ALL REGISTERED VOTERS in the affected city/district.

This number many seen daunting.  It certainly did to me... But that was a year and a half ago.  Sadly, nothing much has changed as far as Dolores Lucero's behavior and attitude and over-all incompetence.  What has changed, is the shear number of people who now object to the council member's behavior.  The lack of civic responsibility, lack of general knowledge,  and her dangerous lack of humility have combined to create the perfect storm.

November 2012 in the time to take action.  1,233 is the number of signatures required to have this placed on the ballot.  If you are concerned, have questions, and think this behavior is unacceptable, Now is the time to make your voices heard!

Can We Count On You?


  1. Although I don't live in the City of Shasta Lake, I sypathise with all the residents. Ms. Lucero needs to be recalled....I am extremely surprised it is taking so long. I'll bet you could put up a booth at the next council meeting and get signatures.

  2. You've had my vote for recall the first time her "math skills" were exposed at one of the meetings. I hope someone starts to collect names soon.
    Roger Siner SLC
